stoner doom
Albums scraped2021-12-03T01:32:38.298Z
Last updated2021-12-06T03:20:56.661Z
Released at
98Sleep - Volume One1991
11Sleep - Sleep's Holy Mountain1992-11
34Acid King - Acid King1994
43Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard1994
99Electric Wizard - Wizard Bloody Wizard1995
60Sons of Otis - Spacejumbofudge1996-02
67Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics...1997-01
5Acid King - Down with the Crown1997-07-25
35Electric Wizard - Supercoven EP1998-08-00
8Sleep - Jerusalem1998
10Electric Wizard - Supercoven1998
38Spirit Caravan - Dreamwheel1999-08-31
1Acid King - Busse Woods1999-09-10
49Sons of Otis - Templeball1999-10-12
19Electric Wizard - Dopethrone2000-09-25
88Abdullah - Abdullah2000-12-12
53Sloth - The Voice of God2000
55Ufomammut - Godlike Snake2000
30Weedeater - ...And Justice For Y'all2001-04-03
13Sons of Otis - Songs for Worship2001-09-11
82Eternal Elysium - Share2002-02-25
6Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey2002-03-25
51Earthride - Taming Of The Demons2002-06-11
29Sleep - Dopesmoker2003-04-22
22Ufomammut - Snailking2004-04-19
77Ocean Chief - Tor2004-05-05
96Electric Wizard - We Live2004-06-28
80Goatsnake - 1 + Dog Days2004-09-21
84Goatsnake - I + Dog Days2004-09-21
97YOB - The Illusion Of Motion2004-11-29
26Sons of Otis - X2005-02-15
2Acid King - III2005-06-21
37YOB - The Unreal Never Lived2005-09-05
16Ufomammut - Lucifer Songs2005-12-05
23Ramesses - The Tomb2005
28Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics.... (2006 Reissue)2006-01
3Om - Conference of the Birds2006-02-24
83Witch - Witch2006-03-07
71Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard (2006 re-issue)2006-05-01
24Electric Wizard - Dopethrone (Remaster)2006
54The Hidden Hand - The Resurrection of Whiskey Foote2007-02-20
62The Hidden Hand - Resurrection Of Whiskey Foote2007-02-20
40Middian - Age Eternal2007-03-20
94Sons of Otis - Sons Of Otis/Queen Elephantine Split2007-04-00
12Mammatus - The Coast Explodes2007-04-23
41Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today2007-11-12
85Mozergush - Fairytale Alcotrips2007
78Cough - Sigillum Luciferi2008-03-24
4Elder - Elder2008
90The Tyrant Lizard Kings - Six Shooter2009-02-09
36Om - Conference Live2009-04-28
56WhiteBuzz - Book Of Whyte2009-04
18Om - God Is Good2009-09-29
89Ancestors - Of Sound Mind2009-10-06
86Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder2009-10-12
61Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight - Movin On2009-10-30
50The Graviators - The Graviators2009-12-05
92Orchid - Through The Devil's Doorway2009-12-15
31Sons of Otis - Exiled2009
100Mountain of Judgement - Mountain Of Judgement2009
66Demonic Death Judge - Kneel2010-05-01
79Lord of Doubts - Lord Of Doubts2010-06-13
48Bongripper - Satan Worshipping Doom2010-08-13
64Black Sleep of Kali - Our Slow Decay2010-08-15
81Kamni - EP2010-10-14
45Amarok - Amarok2010-10-22
75Cough - Ritual Abuse2010-10-26
68Alunah - Call Of Avernus2010-12-06
15Witch Mountain - South of Salem2011-04-09
44Belzebong - Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves2011-04-20
33Necro Deathmort - Music of Bleak Origin2011-07-04
27Black Pyramid - II2011-08-15
95Stoned Jesus - Seven Thunders Roar2012-03-21
76Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight - Going Home2012-04-30
21Samothrace - Reverence to Stone2012-07-23
42Sons of Otis - Seismic2012-07-25
39Dopethrone - III2012-08-12
93Obelyskkh - White Lightnin'2012-09-28
59Demonic Death Judge - Skygods2012-10-05
46Belzebong - Dungeon Vultures2013-04-20
47Master Musicians of Bukkake - Far West2013-06-10
74Windhand - Soma2013-09-17
87Byzanthian Neckbeard - From The Clutches of Oblivion2014-06-27
73Lucifer In The Sky With Diamonds - The Shining One2014-08-16
57Alunah - Awakening The Forest2014-10-03
91Ocean Chief - The Oden Sessions2015-04-02
25Weedeater - Goliathan2015-05-18
63Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - The Night Creeper2015-09-04
69Watchtower - Radiant Moon2015-10-31
9High Priest of Saturn - Son of Earth and Sky2016-02-26
17Mountain Witch - Burning Village2016-02-26
7Cough - Still They Pray2016-06-03
72SubRosa - For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages2016-08-26
14Dopelord - Children Of The Haze2017-01-16
70Beastmaker - Inside The Skull2017-05-19
52Green Lung - Free the Witch2018-02-19
20Sleep - The Sciences2018-04-20
32Belzebong - Light the Dankness2018-10-31
65Kal-el - Witches of Mars2019-10-06
58Spelljammer - Abyssal Trip2021